Friday, March 6, 2009

Mari Kita Singkap Isu Nuffnang

Entry semalam merupakan entry yang agak terburu-buru, saya minta maaf (entah kat siapa saya minta maaf pun saya tak tahu). Whatever.

Beberapa perkara yang perlu kita (terutamanya sayalah, sebab saya memang tak pernah faham bab Nuffnang ni) tahu:

(Dipetik daripada Nuffnang)

What you earn depends on the number of Average Unique visitors you received in the week that the ad campaign is built.

You will then be arranged into specific “Blogger bands” that directly correspond to your number of Average Unique visitors.

For each campaign, you will be paid a fixed amount for every ad unit. The amount depends on what your Blogger band is. The higher your Blogger band (i.e. more unique visitors), the higher your earnings.

All information on your blogger band and your earnings can be viewed within your CMS Earnings Page. All information will be updated within 3 working days after the ad campaign is completed.

You earn by the number of unique clicks generated by your unique visitors on the ad unit that is running the CPC campaign.

Your earnings will be credited 3 days after the CPC campaign ends. A CPC campaign ends when it reaches its maximum number of clicks.

Should your blog display a CPC ad but not generate any clicks on the ad unit, no earnings will be accumulated and updated.

Advertisers buy a set of unique visitors from your blog that will be able to see their ads on your blog for a certain number of weeks.

The earnings for your mCPM campaign will be held in Buffered Earnings while the campaign is running till your blog finish serving the number of uniques the advertisers bought from your blog. Once your blog finish serving the number of uniques, the earnings will be credited to your Current Earnings.

Jadi, kesimpulannya, campaign yang akan menyumbang kepada pendapatan (tidak seberapa) hasil daripada clicks daripada pelawat-pelawat, ialah CPC Campaigns. Dan CPC Campaigns adalah penyumbang pendapatan yang paling kokak (no offence) dalam kes Nuffnang ini.

Setakat hari ini, iklan yang terdapat dalam blog saya bukanlah dari kategori CPC. Jadi, clicks rakan-rakan sekalian tidak memberi apa-apa hasil kepada saya. Walaubagaimanapun, saya berterima kasih kepada rakan-rakan yang telah click kepada iklan tersebut. Saya akan membalas clicks anda semua.

p/s: Saya panggil kempen kokak ini sebagai kempen 25sen kerana, setiap kali ada kempen, saya mesti dapat 25sen. :P