Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Kawan-kawan yang dikasihi,
Saya minta maaf kerana saya tidak dapat membalas komen-komen hebat anda.

Mengenai entry ini, pendirian saya ialah, membeli barangan asli atau tidak, itu adalah pilihan masing-masing. Walaubagaimanapun, saya berpendapat, membeli barangan yang tidak asli masih merupakan suatu pencabulan (pencabulan apa pun, saya tak pasti). Terpulanglah kepada kita mahu mencabul siapa, kan? Seriously, to choose between authentic and non-authentic (or better known as fake), it all depends on your own intention.

As for file downloading you can refer to this link and judge it yourself. ;)

On the gathering thingy, I cannot be so sure if the date at OU on this Friday is on or not. I myself cannot give my commitment. So, for those who thinks she can make it this Friday, please email me at mimielola[at]gmail.com (for those who are not sure, please do not make me consume my time to read your email). We'll make plans from there. ;)

About Ayam Penyet, thanks for you comments. I really really appreciate them.


Gambar hiasan ;)