This very specific weekend started on 20 Dec 07 and ended on 25 Dec 07. I had to turn down 2 invitations (Erna's and Kak Noli's) for a cousin's wedding in JB. So I thought, "It (the wedding in JB) better be good. If not..."
On the Raya eve, I baked this Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake. It was 10.30p.m and past Sofea's bed time, so I had to be quick and cincai and hence the result but hey, mycerewet mother loved it.
Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake
On Raya day, we visited Hubby's Aunt and then went to my IL's in USJ. We spent a night there. I told Hubby that we should bring Sofea to an Art Class (can't remember the name) at Great Eastern Mall in the afternoon.When we got back to our place, I prepared 2 pizzas (there's nothing special in it) for lunch. I totally forgot about our plan to bring Sofea to GE Malland Hubby was glad.
The next morning, the 3 of us headed to JB and stayed a night in Mutiara Hotel. We had a makan besar at night (ala-ala bachelor party yg dijayakan oleh sepupu-sepapat la tu konon). We had 3 plates of Mussels, 3 plates of fried Calamari, 4 plates of fishes, satays, vegetables, murtabak Singapore, roti canai and rice and drinks and otak-otak and I-can't-remember-what-else andwe my dad paid for less than RM 200!!!! I couldn't believe it.
In the hotel room
At the hotel lobby
The BIG cousins
The next day before going to the reception, we went shopping at Parkson Grand located next to the hotel. Do not underestimate the place, people (I am actually telling this to myself). Kat dalam tu barang2 dia best jugak. I rembat Salvatore Ferragamo's Incanto Dream and a new swimsuit for Sofea (Hint: Mana-mana mak yg nak hantar anak dia pi swimming ajak la saya, ya? Mak dah tak duduk kat Condo). Oh, did I mention that I had 2 sets of Kacang Pool in JB, no? Yes, I had 2.
Busy trying swimsuits. No, I didn't buy this for her.
After checkout, we began our journey to the bride's place. There, the weather was sodamn hot and sunny and hot and sunny. I didn't understand why the gerombolan our rombongan was walking in such pace (I think a siput would move faster than us). And this little girl sempat pulak nak membuang kat rumah pengantin tu??!! Sabar je lah.
The Hantarans
At the Rumah Sanggar(???)
The 'Siput' walk.
The Bride and the Groom
Mak malu, nyah
On the Raya eve, I baked this Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake. It was 10.30p.m and past Sofea's bed time, so I had to be quick and cincai and hence the result but hey, my
On Raya day, we visited Hubby's Aunt and then went to my IL's in USJ. We spent a night there. I told Hubby that we should bring Sofea to an Art Class (can't remember the name) at Great Eastern Mall in the afternoon.When we got back to our place, I prepared 2 pizzas (there's nothing special in it) for lunch. I totally forgot about our plan to bring Sofea to GE Mall
The next morning, the 3 of us headed to JB and stayed a night in Mutiara Hotel. We had a makan besar at night (ala-ala bachelor party yg dijayakan oleh sepupu-sepapat la tu konon). We had 3 plates of Mussels, 3 plates of fried Calamari, 4 plates of fishes, satays, vegetables, murtabak Singapore, roti canai and rice and drinks and otak-otak and I-can't-remember-what-else and
The next day before going to the reception, we went shopping at Parkson Grand located next to the hotel. Do not underestimate the place, people (I am actually telling this to myself). Kat dalam tu barang2 dia best jugak. I rembat Salvatore Ferragamo's Incanto Dream and a new swimsuit for Sofea (Hint: Mana-mana mak yg nak hantar anak dia pi swimming ajak la saya, ya? Mak dah tak duduk kat Condo). Oh, did I mention that I had 2 sets of Kacang Pool in JB, no? Yes, I had 2.
After checkout, we began our journey to the bride's place. There, the weather was so

And lastly, I thought I was the proudest lady sashaying in tudung Munawwarah at the reception but little that I know that there was a makcik wearing almost the same concept as Munawwarah's and the same color selection as mine. The difference was she's wearing pink tudung with green inner instead of green tudung and pink inner (if you get what I mean)!!!! Jatuh saham Munawwarahku pada hari itu.
Oh, and Sofea was sick and down with fever when we got back from the reception. I believe it's because of the hot weather and she was really dehydrated (cos' she didn't take ketam) *Grin*.
p/s: Mak baru je perasan yg the hantarans matched my outfit!!!! Lagi malu 100X, nyah!!!
p/s: Mak baru je perasan yg the hantarans matched my outfit!!!! Lagi malu 100X, nyah!!!