To me, life is about enjoying whatever you have in your hands and not longing for (or feeling jealous of) what other people have in their hands.
Dalam kata lain BERSYUKUR. Tolonglah ya, kalau kita rasa kita tak mampu TAPI nak jugak beli rumah RM1 juta, tak payah lah nak bagitau satu Malaya yang kita ni TAK MAMPU. Tak payah. Tak ada orang nak tahu pun. Kalau ya pun ada orang nak tahu, apa yang orang tu boleh buat? Bagi duit RM1 juta kat ko? Or better, BAGI rumah bernilai RM1 juta kat ko?
We can aspire (but not being bitter about) other people’s success (well, unless it is PROVEN that their success are gained through discrimination towards other people). So please, STOP propagating your negative thoughts and vibes. Depressing remarks won’t do any good.