Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The 7-6-7

I was tagged by Mommy_d&d (kah kah kah).

First, the rules: Persetankan the rules!

  1. List these rules on your blog
  2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
  3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
  4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
  5. Link the person who tagged you
  6. Leave a comment for each blogger

My Seven Facts:

My current weight is 52kg - Apakah motif? Berlagak? Berlagak humble? Well, I am not too proud of it, BUT HELL YES! As long as it is not 54kg again!

I love doing laundry (by using washing machine that is).

I was once "Si rabun tak sedar diri". Well, that's what I called myself because I knew I was shortsighted but I didn't want to use any seeing aid. The thing is, people always thought that I was staring at (and trying to flirt with) them but the fact was, I couldn't even see their faces.

I have two un-identical brothers ;)

I have uneven skin tone

I do not know how to use pressure cooker

I do this tag because I cannot sleep because I cannot breathe properly because (I suspect) I took Actifed because I had severe running nose earlier

My Six Unspectacular Quirks:

I will always try my best to ALIGN everything that should be aligned (although the HTML looked messy and horror). Like the rules of this tag which I had typed copied-and-pasted above, it will look like the ones listed below (see No. 4) if I hadn't aligned them. Other than that, if you see any misaligned item, forgive me. I must had been really lazy at that time.

1. List these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
5. Link the person who tagged you.
6. Leave a comment for each blogger.

I am sarcastic (this is a fact actually)

I said I love doing laundry, right? Why? Because I cannot see piles of clothes in the laundry basket. Really cannot. I would only NOT do the laundry when I don't pass by the laundry basket.

I am known as "Penyorok Barang Terhandal" in the house. I will keep hide everything I found on the table in any bag/case I found nearby. Sorry babe, pile of bills, letters (including torn envelopes) just drive me insane. Again, I would not hide anything if I don't see anything.

I like to count my hair. What nonsense? I like to stroke my own hair. (This is factual too!)

I love to keep paper bags and perfume boxes (for a while) and love to get rid of them too!

Oh, that's the end of it? I was thinking hard for No. 7 just now.

I choose to end this tag by NOT TAGGING the 7 people. And just so you know, I started doing this tag at 1.28 AM and only finished doing it at 2.35 AM. Almost 1 hour, yo!