Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mesyuarat Tingkap Cawangan Taman C

Right now, right very very now, my daughter and our 8-year old neighbor (not forgetting the maids) are having their very own Mesyuarat Tingkap. The meeting is really really a mesyuarat tingkap as it is held by the windows. :P

Sophia : Kakak Ameena*, tadikan,.. errr.. hidung kita keluar darah..
Ameena : Ye ke..
CMM : Ameena, ni tengok ni, Sophia pakai baju baruuuuu

By that line, I was already on my way to my computer to blog about it.

And now, I'm preparing Noodle in Beef Soup for dinner!

* Bukan nama sebenar